A mighty fortress is our god
All hail the power of jesus' name!
Amazing grace
Are you washed in the blood?
At calvary
Afficher les morceaux...
Ave maria
Battle hymn of the republic
Blessed assurance
Christ the lord is risen today
Church in the wildwood
Crown him with many crowns
Deep river
Do lord
For the beauty of the earth
Give me that old-time religion
God will take care of you
Have thine own way lord
He leadeth me
He's got the whole world in his hands
His eye is on the sparrow
Holy, holy, holy
I have decided to follow jesus
I love to tell the story
I need thee every hour
I've got peace like a river
In the garden
In the sweet by and by
It is well with my soul
Jesu, joy of man's desiring (cantata bwv 147)
Jesus loves me
Jesus, keep me near the cross
Joshua fought the battle of jericho
Just a closer walk with thee
Just as i am
Kum ba yah
Lead on, o king eternal
Leaning on the everlasting arms
Let us break bread together
Lord, i want to be a christian
Love lifted me
My faith looks up to thee
Nearer my god to thee
No, not one!
Nothing but the blood
Now thank we all our god
O master let me walk with thee
O worship the king
Oh happy day
Oh, how i love jesus
Onward christian soldiers
Power in the blood
Revive us again
Rock of ages
Send the light
Simple gifts
Since jesus came into my heart
Solid rock
Standing in the need of prayer
Sweet hour of prayer
Take my life and let it be
Tell me the story of jesus
The old rugged cross
This is my father's world
This little light of mine
Turn your eyes upon jesus
Up from the grave he arose
Wayfaring stranger
We gather together
We'll understand it better by and by
We're marching to zion
Were you there
What a friend we have in jesus
When i survey the wondrous cross
When the saints go marching in
Will the circle be unbroken?